How to care for curly hair

Hair Hair Hair

Hair Hair Hair (Photo credit: SodanieChea)

As you know, we often say that curly hair tends to become dry quickly (loops not allowing sebum to flow easily on the lengths of the hair) and are difficult to maintain. many people think that this type of Hair is the most difficult to manage because curly hair frizz form more quickly, are very sensitive to pollution, heat, get damaged easily and quickly dehydrate.

That said, there are ways to have beautiful curly hair healthy, shiny and frizz-free.
What you should know is that curly hair needs to be hydrated and fed regularly.

Here are some care for curly hair to tips:

Cut the tips

Regularly by cutting the tips of your hair will not only allow lengths have a nicer shape, but you also allow your ends to keep their curls.


shampoo do ozzy

shampoo do ozzy (Photo credit: georgeyk)

The shampoo is an important step in your hair routine but this does not mean that you should wash your hair every day.
By doing so too often you deprive your hair of its natural oils (sebum) which ultimately make them dry.

Prefer a shampoo and conditioner designed for curly hair with lots of moisturizers and prevent frizz.
You should also avoid using a shampoo containing detergents. Oils are aggressive for the hair and make them dry.

How to wash?

  • Apply your shampoo (soft) on your scalp
  • Apply your conditioner on your length and your points (if your hair is very dry, apply a greater amount of conditioner) and comb your hair

The conditioner helps fight dryness of your hair.

Always use warm water when you wash your cervix. Hot water tends to make the hair dry. You can rinse your hair with cold water to close their cuticles.

  • Apply one leave-in conditioner Bien obviously not any! Choose one which is appropriate for your type of hair, which hydrates them, nourishes and disentangles well.
  • Take a deep treatment 1x per week to enhance your curls. This prevents their forks.
  • Make a hot oil bath 1x per month Choose oils such as the coconut, castor bean, avocado, jojoba, olive oil… That brings vitality and the brightness to your hair.
  • When you dry your hair with a towel, avoid rubbing them. This may create forks and frizz.
  • Remember to always use a wide tooth comb and not a comb tooth (which tends to break the hair)


In order to avoid having frizz and damaging your hair, you must avoid brushing them. Prefer a comb with broad teeth to disentangle your hair

Avoid using products that contain alcohol (e.g. Ethanol alcohols or alcohol SD-40) which dry hair, silicones (although they make hair shine, they prevent water from entering and make them dry in the long run) as well as those that increase the hair.

When your styling, remember to always moisturize your hair with a moisturizer before applying a styling cream. The moisturizer helps protect your hair and prevent frizz.

If you want your hair to take their natural form, you must come when wet or damp and let them dry in the open air.

You can also apply a serum on your damp hair concentrating on the ends: it prevents frizz and adds shine.

Protect your hair at night!

  • Do not sleep with wet hair.
  • By doing this, you risk ending up with unmanageable curls!
  • To avoid this, separate your hair into 4 sections and make 4 braids.
  • You can also wear a satin bonnet preferably to protect.

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